We specialise in providing end-to-end solutions for those engaged in the development sector. Our strength lies in the rich experience of our network partners, development consultants and volunteers.
Our network partners have individual mandates that range from the fields of health and education to poverty alleviation, environment, good governance, micro-enterprises development, agricultural-marketing, alternative livelihoods generation, cooperatives development etc. Therefore, FDI has been instrumental in developing programs ranging a broad spectrum of issues.
What’s more, FDI closely works with SUSCO (Sustainability Co-creators) to assist its corporate and donor agencies for assessing community needs, social impact, stakeholder perceptions and compelling storytelling.
- Problem Identification and participative solution.
- Development of customised Programs to address local needs.
- Capacity building & training of stakeholders.
- Piloting of development models as a road-map for replication by other agencies.
- Conceptualisation & Development of programs and implementation plans.
- Capacity building and training.
- Resources mobilisation.
- Effective programme implementation.
- Process documentation, advocacy and IEC material preparation
- Developing and managing Corporate Social Responsibility for businesses and monitoring its implementation.
- Baseline surveys and impact assessments.
- Programme evaluation and development of CSR strategies.
Government & Donor Agencies
- Facilitating grant making to Grassroots Organisations.
- Assisting in the Identification of priority issues in target areas
- Providing opportunities for individual volunteering & giving.
- Need Assessment & Impact Assessment
Research and Strategy
- Stakeholder Mapping & Engagement
- Community Needs Assessment
- Project Planning
- Social Impact Assessment
- Stakeholder Perception Survey
- Campaign-able Reporting
- Fundraising
Values-based Communication
- Strategy
- Design
- Content
- Storytelling