

The organization strives and sustains itself through a diversified financial support that it gets from credible institutions and non-institutions for implementing programs and projects at the state level and nationally, in areas that are covered under sustainable development goals. Our efforts are directed towards equal opportunity, fair and just eco-system and enhancing societal capabilities to meet their own demands and needs.

Development models require time to demonstrate their effectiveness and to enable local communities to take full responsibility for their own future development.

FDI therefore makes a long-term commitment to the areas in which we work, guided by the philosophy that a humane, sustainable development must reflect the choices made by people themselves with regard to how they live in harmony with their environment and within their communities. Sustainability is therefore a central consideration from the outset.

In recent years, FDI has assisted partner orgasanitions to mobilise funds and disbursements in a variety of ways, including endowment funds, user fees, grants and individual donations. Funding has also been facilitated from both the private and public sectors.