Who We Are
It was in the year 2000 that a group of development professionals came together, their complementary strengths integrating into a joint endeavour - the Foundation for Development Initiative (FDI) - a national organization, addressing a broad spectrum of development issues afflicting the country.
FDI has since then grown into a consortium of individuals, organisations and businesses working towards the holistic development of people and communities, with the focus on improving living conditions and opportunities for people.
FDI came into existence, based on the felt need that development initiatives often do not reach the poorest of poor villages and communities. FDI seeks to reach people without access to services and resources, complementing but not substituting the efforts of government and other providers.
One of FDI’s foremost goals in the development process is the creation of “enabling environments”, through fostering public private partnerships and capacity enhancement of stakeholders.
FDI’s mission is to coordinate an integrated approach to development, by assembling under a single umbrella, and forming collaborations with the grass-root organisations, communities, businesses and individuals working in the sector.
FDI envisages a society, which is economically productive, socially equitable, environmentally sound, culturally vibrant and truly democratic.
FDI supports multi-pronged intervention strategies and programmes aimed at impacting the society on the one hand and the system on the other.
Since 70% of India’s population lives in the rural areas, FDI’s strategy is to impact the rural communities, bringing about rural growth and empowerment through the adoption of the following concurrent methodologies:
Creation of sustainable livelihoods opportunities, with emphasis on environmental conservation and promotion of traditional skills
- Identification of local needs & problems and Determination of local resource endowments
- Promotion of rural entrepreneurship and creation of rural employment opportunities in partnership with local panchayat institutions
- Promotion of Organic Farming, Agricultural Processing & Rural Crafts.
Development of markets & other support systems.
- Setting up community-based rural business hubs, which will make available services relevant to rural businesses such as information, extension, training, technology transfer, storage, credit and market support.
Adoption of ICT as a tool for knowledge management & information sharing.
- Setting up of an online integrated information system, with interactive channels, for sharing information on products, markets and technology as well as on other rural and social services available, such as health & education facilities, government schemes for rural employment, sanitation etc.
Support special needs and mental health
- Providing respite and care support to those who need it the most including children, young adults and old people. Focus on social, economic and cultural needs of autistic adults by including them in mainstream activities and linking with appropriate services.
Although the emphasis of FDI’s work is at the individual level, sustaining the work of the organisation needs an enabling environment that permits the poor to break out of the cycle of poverty and hopelessness. To this end, FDI endeavours to bring about change at the national and global policy levels on poverty alleviation and social progress. FDI is committed to making its programmes socially, financially and environmentally sustainable, using new methods and improved technologies.
In order to realize its vision, wherever necessary, FDI welcomes partnerships with the community, like-minded organisations, governmental institutions and the private sector both at home and abroad.